Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Family Addition!

Hello all, I hope you are all excited about our upcoming babe as we are. Matt and I are due on February 5th and we all couldn't be happier. Kodi and Eden are already making plans for when the baby comes, they both want a little sister.

I have been a bit tired, but creating new life definitely is an exhausting task. I had my first bout of "mourning sickness" this past week as I hit week 10 of pregnancy, but I am hopeful it will only be that one day :D (a gal can hope right!).

Here is our first ultrasound photo (from week 6). At that appointment we saw our little babe's heart beating so that was definitley exciting. As you look at the photo, our little peanut is the circle on the left side of my "smiley face" uterus.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Hey BETH and MATT ..... CONGRATULATIONS on your new addition. Another GISSIBL in the world. YEAH ! ! !

Aunt Gretchen