Saturday, September 6, 2008

Beth's updated Belly

Hey All,

Here is the most recent photo of my belly, this photo was from August 14 (sorry for the delay with uploading). The one aspect of pregnancy that I can't get use to is the amount of energy that this baby consumes. I have a lot more energy now than what I use to but I still am not the
"super woman" that I use to be. I guess it's natures way of preparing me for having a baby around. My mom is in town for the next week, and it will be nice having her around. On Wednesday, September 10 I will be sure to update the bog again as that is the day of our ultrasound :D. Hopefully our little Gissibl babe will cooperate and show of his or her duds so we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

angieb said...

awe you are getting a belly. it is so cute! :) you look great pregnant. you better call me asap the day of the ultrasound!