Thursday, January 15, 2009

Global Warming, Not!!

It is I, Matt, coming to you today from the inside of the frozen midwest, home with the kids as school has been cancelled, for the 2nd time this year. Only this time it's not due to snow, but rather "Global Cooling":) If some of you could please start leaving your cars run all night, and keep a nice fire burning in your backyards, this should help warm the environment back to normal temps around here. Better yet, just use your commin sense.

As we patiently await the arrival of our new born baby, we want to keep you all in the know, with pix and words that give you a sense of just how excited we are. Here are a couple of Pix of Beth's new baby sling (or whatever the fancy name is for this apperatice), and one of us relaxing last night, before we turn in, and have sweet dreams of the babe.
I think we should have a contest, so send in your guess's to Beth, on the weight & height of the baby, and whomever is closest, get's to be our first baby sitter:) Right now we know he is about 6.5 lbs, and I forget the length, but that should be a good clue to get you started.
Ciao, Matt

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